short one-acts by Luke Leonard
First premiered at DUMBO Theater eXchange
March 1 - March 18, 2001
Movement Stolen From Joseph Chaikin's "Firmament" That We're Probably Doing Wrong Anyway
Directed by Luke Leonard
Man I - Yukihiro Nishiyama
Man O - Luke Leonard
Disposable Play No. 2
Directed by Luke Leonard
Elliott - John Harlacher
Elaine - Jennifer Boutell
Shipley - Eric Hunt
Directed by Eric Hunt
Man 1 - John Harlacher
Woman 1 - Jennifer Boutell
Man 2 - Yukihiro Nishiyama
Woman 2 - Natalie Leonard
Derelict Play
Directed by Jennifer Boutell
Bean - Eric Hunt
Delila - Natalie Leonard
Gentrified Play
Super 8mm film and Song ("There Once Was a Place Called DUMBO") by Luke Leonard
Directed by Luke Leonard
Nil 1 - Luke Leonard
Nil 2 - Yukihiro Nishiyama